Monday, August 28, 2006

things that make you go hmmm...

Can someone tell me why a first grader needs all eight of these workbooks?

I'm especially opposed to the FOUR language arts books (grammar, spelling, phonics, and a practice book that combines grammar, spelling, phonics and comprehension). Don't all the gurus in the field preach against using worksheets and workbooks? Shouldn't the children be learning to read by actually reading, instead of doing seatwork? I hate feeling like I have to use these books just because the school paid for them. And every time I don't do a page that goes with the day's lessons, I feel so guilty for wasting paper. Ugh.


Msabcmom said...

WOW! That is a lot. How do you possibly find time in the day to use them? Are they for guided or independent work? I am with you - less workbook pages and more actual reading practice with real live books!

As if we didn't have enough on our plate to do in the classroom!

Anonymous said...

We have a lot too...Religion, 2 Math, Phonics, and 6...yes 6 reading workbooks...there is also a Grammar book but I opted not to use it this year...I just put all their books in their desks b/c I don't want them to feel overwhelmed on the first day.

Michelle said...

Don't feel bad. I taught Texas History last year, and the curriculum included so much junk that each class period would have had to be at least three hours long to get through it all, and that would be moving quickly. I think it is just a selling point. Go with your gut!