Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Today I told my first graders that they are living in an amazing time, and they don't even know it.

First this...

And now this...
Someday they'll realize that they witnessed history. What an AWESOME time to be alive!


"Ms. Cornelius" said...

You're pushing the limit with the Phillies, but I'm all there with you on President Obama.

Man! Say it again! Preseident OBAMA!

Anonymous said...

I was in the eigth grade when 9/11 happened (I'm still in college, hoping to be a teacher!) and it took me a long time to grasp that history was happening all around me. I think children are the same way right now with the election of our first african american president. When they are old enough to finally understand what unfolded around them hopefully they are going to feel so honored to have been a part of American history!!

Anonymous said...

Agreeing with Lanier, young children don't have a point of reference to be able to term these events as great or historic. They'll catch on when they have more experiences to compare to these. Love your blog!