Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!

Just sitting here, watching the Mummers (a Philadelphia tradition), thinking about some goals for the year. (If I call them resolutions, I won't keep them. Trust me.) It's not a definite list yet, but it's something to work on:

~ clean and organize classroom (especially desk)
~ get an "A" in my linguistics class this semester
~ make a real effort to keep in contact with my friends more
~ take better care of car (buy antenna to replace stolen one, wash inside and out, get oil change)
~ read at least one quality book a month (and/or join a book club)
~ create classroom scrapbook

~ get and maintain decent haircut
~ start a vacation fund (and research ideas for cheap trips)

1 comment:

Sara said...

Hi! I have stumbled onto your blog, but it might be fate. I am a fourth grade teacher...taught for five years. I live in Iowa right now, but plan to move to Philadelphia with my husband in July. He will be a professor at Villanova. I will start reading your blog.